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Posts by Steven E. Arnold, MD


Dr. Steven E. Arnold is professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School and Translational Neurology Head and managing director of the Interdisciplinary Brain Center at Massachusetts General Hospital.  After receiving his MD from Boston University, Dr. Arnold completed residency training in Psychiatry at the New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York and residency training in Neurology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. He also completed fellowship training in Cognitive Neuroscience and was a post-doctoral associate in Neuroanatomy in Iowa. Dr. Arnold is board certified in both neurology and psychiatry. After his training, Dr. Arnold joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania where he was professor of Psychiatry and Neurology until his move to Massachusetts General Hospital in 2015.  

At the Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Arnold is the neurology lead for the Interdisciplinary Brain Center, a new collaboration of the Departments of Neurology. Psychiatry and the Martinos Center for Neuroimaging. Its mission is to facilitate the discovery, development, and implementation of promising therapeutics and associated diagnostics for individuals with complex brain disorders that affect cognition, behavior and emotion. Neurodegenerative diseases are major disease interests of the Interdisciplinary Brain Center.

Dr. Arnold has conducted longstanding research on neurodegenerative disease pathology, molecular biomarkers and therapeutics for cognitive decline and psychiatric syndromes in late life and has led broad clinical and translational research programs. He has authored over 300 scientific articles, reviews and chapters. Current scientific interests include biomarkers in brain aging and dementias, metabolic factors driving dementia, and protective factors that account for cognitive resilience, all towards accelerating therapeutics discovery and development in early phase and proof-of-concept clinical trials for neurocognitive disorders.

Dr. Arnold's clinical practice at Massachusetts General Hospital focuses on older adults with cognitive disorders, especially Alzheimer's disease and normal pressure hydrocephalus.


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